Transforming girls’ lives through Leadership, Education, And Development
Our Sponsors

In Their Words
“This year was my first YWL event and honestly I could have never asked for more. It was amazing and I learned so much. It covered key things I wanted to learn, like how to cope with stress, how to follow your dreams, motivation, and how to work on yourself.”
9th Grade, First-time attendee

Get Involved
Fostering leadership skills throughout the year

YWL Clubs
YWL Clubs and curriculum can be utilized in high schools carry forward and keep alive the messages girls learn at Young Women LEAD events.
YWL Clubs500 Club
Our 500 Club members are providing high school girls with opportunities to explore careers, and develop leadership skills and self-confidence.
<500 ClubOur Sponsors
Thanks to our sponsors’ commitment to developing strong girls, we provide free programming to all girls!
Our Sponsors