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Sponsorship opportunities

Making connections that are meaningful to your brand


Young Women LEAD steps beyond traditional sponsorship packages to customize one-of-a-kind experiences for each company.

Our sponsorsSponsor YWL

Illinois Students

Making an indelible, lifelong impact on girls

When you sponsor Young Women LEAD, you’re making a tangible, positive differences in lives of high school girls. You’re:

  • Making a powerful brand and positioning declaration that you’re committed to cultivating young high school girls’ leadership skills;
  • Introducing young women to an array of career opportunities – opportunities that might lead them to careers within your organization;
  • Tapping into non-traditional and interactive ways to increase brand awareness among Generation Z – the world’s largest generation; and
  • Connecting with young women who can become lifelong brand champions.

The women-led nonprofit is committed to providing free events, resources and YWL Clubs to all high school girls. Making our offerings accessible is particularly important as 52% of our event attendees come from low-income homes. Whether a young woman lives in a small town, bustling city or farming community, we want her to make the connections, receive the training and develop her leadership skills to take charge of all aspects of her life.

Let’s discuss how we can get your company in front of the thousands of girls who participate in Young Women LEAD offerings every year.

Our Sponsors

Toyota Kentucky Marathon Duke Energy logo Hershey Materion Corporation SOAR

Championing organizations that impact girls

“I believe women and girls should champion companies that champion women and girls.”

“Young Women LEAD is the nation’s trusted provider of leading edge, powerful, engaging and experiential leadership educational conferences for young women.”

“I feel honored to support and stand with Young Women LEAD and their partners to make meaningful change as we engage with and impact tens of thousands of young women’s lives around the country and the world.”

– Julie Carrier
America’s Top Speaker for Teen Girls, Emmy-Nominee, Bestselling Author of Girls Lead, Young Women’s Confidence Coach for MTV’s MADE and Entrepreneurial Mentor, Girl Starter TV Show

Expanding the horizons of teenage girls

“When I was a girl, I had limited possibilities. But that’s different for you. That’s because of the thousands of women who have come before you.”

Live! Events

Join our live Young Women LEAD events both virtually and in person.


500 CLUB

Our 500 Club members are providing high school girls with opportunities to explore careers, and develop leadership skills and self-confidence.

500 Club


Thanks to our sponsors’ commitment to developing strong girls, we provide free programming to all girls!


Behind every amazing nonprofit is a legion of dedicated volunteers. We welcome your expertise, skills and passion.


Powerful voices

Remarkable women offer their wisdom

Contact Us

For life-changing experiences to inspire & empower.

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A woman speaker waving to a large group