About YWL
15 years.
70 conferences.
312 schools.
48,300 girls.
And growing.
Young Women LEAD is creating a national movement. On top of our 70 conferences, we’re offering YWL Clubs, leadership curriculum and more.
Young Women LEAD is creating a national movement. On top of our 70 conferences, we’re offering YWL Clubs, leadership curriculum and more.
Expanding the horizons of teenage girls
“When I was a girl, I had limited possibilities. But that’s different for you. That’s because of the thousands of women who have come before you.”
Sally Schott
YWL Founder and CEO
YWL Clubs utilized in high schools carries forward and keeps alive the messages girls learn at Young Women LEAD events.
YWL ClubsThanks to our sponsors’ commitment to developing strong girls, we provide free programming to all girls!
Behind every amazing nonprofit is a legion of dedicated volunteers. We welcome your expertise, skills and passion.
VolunteerYoung Women LEAD is the nation’s leading trusted provider of life-changing and experiential leadership events for high school young women that take place online, and on the campus of colleges and university partners.
Founded by Sally Schott on the premise of “women helping women,” Young Women LEAD launched in 2009, as the result of a team of diverse female executive leaders in the Cincinnati and Louisville regions who came together because they were concerned about a lack of opportunities for high school girls to build confidence and leadership — and felt that girls deserved to be prepared to face the challenges unique to their gender and generation.
Sally Schott, the CEO of SOAR. External Link. Opens in new window. — one of the nation’s leading-edge provider of peer-to-peer leadership development programs for high-potential women and minorities globally — teamed together with Julie Carrier, “America’s #1 Speaker for Teen Girls,” and what started as a local conference for girls has become a national movement supported by our nation’s most trusted brands.
Drive a national movement to inspire generations of confident girls through Leadership, Education, And Development.
To create generations of confident girls.
Our presenters and trusted brands provide experiences that engage young women to be confident and strong leaders. With the support of select brands and corporate impact partners, the events, clubs and curriculum are free to all young women.
As women, we succeed in large part because of the women who have come before us. Our logo reflects the contributions of each generation.
The first “W” represents the women whose sacrifices brought about the benefits we enjoy today.
The second “W” represents the women who have attained success by standing on their predecessors’ shoulders.
The top “W” is the young women of today whose foundation comes from the women leaders of today and yesteryear. We know they’ll give rise to future generations and lead in ways we may have only dreamed possible.