National Girl, Me Too Day!
National Girl Me Too Day. External Link. Opens in new window. on April 7 recognizes the strength and endurance of women of all ages and is an opportunity to show support for each other. Take a moment to look at the women around us. Neighbors, shopkeepers, sisters, even strangers.
If you were to ask anyone of them a single thing they have had to overcome many of us could respond, “Girl, me too.”
National Girl, Me Too Day strives to break down divisions among women of all walks of life and remind them they have all carried similar burdens and struggles. By lifting each other up, we help to mend the past and make a better future for our children. Today is a great day to take time and recognize the women around you – neighbors, teachers, mothers, friends, and even strangers. By lifting each other up, we can make the world a better place for each of us!