Young Women LEAD Kentucky – Hosted at the University of Louisville
11/12/24 @ 8:00 am - 12:30 pm
Toyota and Young Women LEAD invite high school girls to Reach for the Stars at this year’s Young Women LEAD hosted at the University of Louisville

The YWL conference presented by Toyota is for high school girls and focuses on Leadership, Education and Development (LEAD). The conference features interactive keynotes, STEAM speakers, community and business leaders, and more. The conference is FREE to all participants. YWL teaches important skills needed to be successful in the workforce and ways to develop confidence and leadership potential.
This year’s conference hosted by the University of Louisville College of Business and presented by Toyota Motor Manufacturing of Kentucky will feature Kentucky First Lady Britainy Beshear. External Link. Opens in new window., DJ Destiny Carter, Michelle Lucas with Higher Orbits, Mahogany Mayfield with The Sis That Journals, and keynote presenter Nikki Lanier.
Michelle Lucas spent 10+ years working at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. First as part of the International Space Station (ISS) Payload Safety Review Panel (PSRP) and then in the Mission Operations Directorate as a Flight Controller in ISS Mission Control and as an Astronaut Instructor in the ISS Daily Operations Group. Additionally, she worked with each of the International Partners (European Space Agency – ESA, Japanese Space Agency – JAXA, and the Russian Space Agency) in the field of Daily Operations, Flight Controller, and Instructor Training. Michelle was part of the Core NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) team for 9 missions where astronauts would carry out analog space missions underwater in the Aquarius habitat. Along the way, Michelle found she has a passion for launching the next generation’s dreams and ambitions. Her passion for inspiring students led to extensive work with other organizations in STEM outreach so she founded the non-profit Higher Orbits to use space to excite and inspire students about STEM, Leadership, Teamwork, and Communication. Michelle is proud to be a Space Camp Alum, AIAA Associate Fellow, and member of the Space Camp Hall of Fame. She believes that collaboration in space and STEM is the key to the stars! Space Inspires!

What: Young Women LEAD Conference
When: Tuesday, November 12 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Location: University of Louisville, Swain Student Activities Center Ballroom, 2100 S Floyd Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40208
8:00 – 9:15 Registration and University of Louisville Resource Fair
9:15 – 9:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:30 – 9:45 Kentucky First Lady Britainy Beshear – Dare to Care
9:45 – 10:30 Reach for the Stars with Michelle Lucas – Higher Orbits
10:30 – 11:00 Journaling with Mahogany Mayfield – The Sis That Journals
11:00 – 12:30 Keynote Presentation – Nikki Lanier
12:30 Dismissal
- Registration is full.
- Registration is limited, first come, first served and will close once we reach capacity.
- Attendees should register themselves as the registration includes questions regarding students’ goals for attending the conference.
- We encourage early registration as registration is first-come, first-served and limited to the first 500 students.
- Chaperones please register as well. Our staff will staff will provide registration lists to registered teachers and chaperones before the event, so you know which students from your school or organization have registered.
- The cost is FREE
- All attendees must have a signed Liability Waiver Form. External Link. Opens in new window. to attend the event. No one will be permitted to attend the event without a signed waiver.
- NOTE: Lunch will NOT be provided.
Event Specific Emergency Action Plan:
- There are AEDs onsite throughout the building, and staff in the building are CPR/AED certified.
- In an emergency, we encourage patrons to call 911 first, then use the Manager on Duty phone to contact building staff to assist with the emergency responders arriving at the correct location within the facility.
This year’s Young Women LEAD at the University of Louisville is presented by: